a zine dedicated to
Dissonance In All Its Glory

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Welcome !

What the hell is this browbeat? It's a zine (that's magazine for you oldsters) for noise junkies, folks who like dissonance and harshness in their music - whether it be industrial, punk, jazz, classical or experimental musics. It's published randomly with ambitions for regularity. Most of our artist interviews are in-depth and come with the obsessive-compulsives dream, extensive discographies. Ummmm...mmmm...discographies.
Besides being music information geeks, we like to excercise our myopic brains by also including articles on non-music topics we love.

Sadly, we have been occupied on other projects these days, and browbeat has been on hiatus. We HAVE been doing a two radio shows on KALX, the weekly show Information Overload, and every other week alternating with Last Will. Maybe that will tide you over until we will find the time to put out another issue with all the great interviews gathering dust in our cassette drawer.

Next we'll be scanning in images from issue #1, and getting all of issue #2 up here on the website. Thanks for all the inquiries!

- mike burma, editor

Please e-mail e-mail with any comments, corrections, additions, or even an entertaining flame.